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LOVE LINE, week four

Wednesday 4 March I walked the little loop at the top of the “O” with Elsewhere Programs Manager, Jess Hoyle, who said something interesting. “We’re going about it wrong, trying to get privilege for everyone. It ought to be no one has privilege.” I asked how, in this utopia, would we remove privilege from those who have it, since they are the ones who make and enforce the laws? It seems unlikely without a revolution, but yes I see the point. It is the ideal world. On another day, another Elsewhere intern recounted how he put a fire out. He noticed smoke from a wooden fence around a gated community. He stopped the passing cars. A person on the other side of the fence passed a hose out. Me, I would have let that fence burn down. I know an architect and a dancer in Seattle who got their neighbors on both sides to agree to take their fences down and they all designed and built a beautiful hillside garden with pathways between the yards they all could share. Thursday 5 M...

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